1. kathara-vconfig(1)
  2. Kathara manual
  3. kathara-vconfig(1)


kathara-vconfig - Attach network interfaces to a running Kathara device


kathara vconfig [-h] -n DEVICE_NAME (--add <CD[/MAC_ADDR]> [<CD[/MAC_ADDR]> ...] | --rm CD [CD ...])


Manage the network interfaces of a running Kathara device. The affected device is identified by DEVICE_NAME, which is the name of the running device.


-h, --help
Show a help message and exit.
Name of the device to manage.
--add <CD[/MAC_ADDR]> [<CD[/MAC_ADDR]> ...]
Specify the collision domain to be connected to the device:

CD: The name of the collision domain to which the specified interface must be connected. Note that the name of the collision domain must not contain spaces (" "), commas (",") and dots (".").

/MAC_ADDR: An optional parameter to specify the MAC address of the interface (MAC address must be in the format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX). If MAC_ADDR is not provided, Kathara will assign a random one.

Equip the device with an additional network interface attached to a (virtual) collision domain whose name is CD. The number of the resulting network interface is generated incrementing the number of the last network interface used by the device.

--rm CD [CD ...]
Specify the collision domain to be disconnected from the device.

Disconnect the device from the collision domain whose name is CD and remove the corresponding interface.


Connect pc1 to collision domain X and Y (with random MAC addresses):

kathara vconfig -n pc1 --add X Y

Connect pc1 to collision domain X with the specified MAC address:

kathara vconfig -n pc1 --add X/00:00:00:00:00:01

Disconnect pc1 from collision domain X and remove the corresponding interface:

kathara vconfig -n pc1 --rm X


Report bugs opening an issue on the official GitHub repository where the development and maintenance is primarily done.
Issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately to the Kathara mailing list. You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.
When reporting a bug, remember to write used commands, eventually attach your network scenario, and include the output of kathara-check(1) in order to make possible to reproduce the bug.


Kathara was born from Netkit. Its first version was developed by Gaetano Bonofiglio and Veronica Iovinella. Currently it is mantained by Mariano Scazzariello, Tommaso Caiazzi and Lorenzo Ariemma.

People involved also include:

Copyright © 2017-2024 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


kathara(1), kathara-vstart(1), kathara-vclean(1)

  1. July 2024
  2. kathara-vconfig(1)