1. kathara-ltest(1)
  2. Kathara manual
  3. kathara-ltest(1)


kathara-ltest - Test a Kathara network scenario


kathara ltest [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-R] [--wait MINUTES]
[--verify {builtin,user,both}]


Tool for retrieving and saving information about the state of running devices inside a Kathara network scenario. These information can then be distributed with the network scenario itself, so that users can easily test whether the network scenario still behaves in the expected way when it is being launched on a different host.

Takes care of launching the network scenario in a test mode, running an ad-hoc set of scripts on devices, and storing their output on the host filesystem. If the test is being run for the first time, creates a signature of the test results that is used as a fingerprint of a correctly behaving network scenario.

When ltest is run with the --verify option, test results are compared with the signature to check that the network scenario still behaves as expected. After running the test, the network scenario is then automatically stopped.

A directory lab-path/_test is created inside and the results of the test are stored inside it. Any existing results of previous tests are overwritten. Subdirectory lab-path/_test/signature and lab-path/_test/results will contain the signature of the network scenario test and the outcome of the last executed test, respectively.

NOTE: ltest runs devices without a terminal window. Therefore, no window will pop up and no output will be shown during a test.

NOTE: On Megalos, ltest should wait that the devices are started, so the user must specify the --wait parameter with a value different from zero.



A Kathara test consists of two kinds of scripts: builtin and user.

The builtin script cannot be changed by the user. It runs some commands inside the device in order to store the state of its network interfaces, routing table, listening TCP and UDP ports, and running processes.

The output of the builtin script is saved into lab-path/_test/results/device.builtin, where device is the name of the device the test has been performed on. The file format for the output of the builtin test is JSON. The content of each JSON key is the output of a specific command. The following list describes both the keys and the corresponding commands:

    "interfaces": (essentially) the output of `ip -j addr show`,
    "route": (essentially) the output of `ip -j route show`,
    "listening_ports": (essentially) the output of `netstat -tuwln`,
    "processes": (essentially) the output of `ps -e -o command`

The user script may be used to customize the test procedure. In particular, it can be used to dump information that are defined by a user through a personal script.

ltest reads the user test script for a device from lab-path/_test/device.test and writes the output to lab-path/_test/results/device.user. Remember that the user test script is executed using the device_shell shell specified in kathara.conf(5) file.

Notice: every time you launch ltest with --verify any existing output of previous tests is overwritten. Hence, remember to move output files elsewhere before performing other instances of the test.


ltest has a zero return value if and only if the test completed successfully or a new signature has been generated.


This is an executable script created by the user. Actually, it can be any kind of executable file (i.e., binary files are allowed as well) and, in case it is a script, it can be written in any scripting language supported by the device_shell shell specified in kathara.conf(5) file.
This file contains the output of the execution of the builtin test operations.
This file contains the output of the execution of lab-path/_test/device.test.
This file contains differences between signature and executed test (both for builtin and user tests).


Report bugs opening an issue on the official GitHub repository where the development and maintenance is primarily done.
Issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately to the Kathara mailing list. You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.
When reporting a bug, remember to write used commands, eventually attach your network scenario, and include the output of kathara-check(1) in order to make possible to reproduce the bug.


Kathara was born from Netkit. Its first version was developed by Gaetano Bonofiglio and Veronica Iovinella. Currently it is mantained by Mariano Scazzariello, Tommaso Caiazzi and Lorenzo Ariemma.

People involved also include:

Copyright © 2017-2024 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


kathara(1), kathara-lstart(1), kathara.conf(5), kathara-lab.conf(5)

  1. July 2024
  2. kathara-ltest(1)