1. kathara.conf(5)
  2. Kathara manual
  3. kathara.conf(5)


kathara.conf - Kathara configuration file


This file is a JSON that contains information about the Kathara configuration. It also stores the default settings to be used when starting new devices. This file is placed in the ~/.config folder. If it does not exist when Kathara is launched, it will be created with default settings.

Checks on the correctness of the configuration are performed each time a Kathara command is launched. So each value must always be a valid setting.


image (string)
Default Docker image used when starting a device.

Default to kathara/base.

manager_type (string)
Manager used to launch the network scenario.

Default to docker.

terminal (string)
This parameter determines the terminal emulator application to be used for device terminals. The application must be correctly installed in the host system. This option is only visible on Linux and macOS. On Linux, options are /usr/bin/xterm, TMUX or an user-defined path. On macOS, options are Terminal (default system terminal), iTerm or TMUX.

Default to /usr/bin/xterm on Linux and Terminal on macOS.

open_terminals (boolean)
This parameter determines if device terminal should be opened when starting it.

Default to true.

device_shell (string)
This parameter determines the shell to use inside the device. The application must be correctly installed in the Docker image used for the device. Possible examples are: bash, sh, fish, and so on.

Default to /bin/bash.

net_prefix (string)
The prefix assigned to the network name when deployed.

Default to kathara.

device_prefix (string)
The prefix assigned to the device name when deployed.

Default to kathara.

debug_level (string)
Logging level of Kathara messages. Must be one of the following: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG.

Default to INFO.

print_startup_log (boolean)
When opening a device terminal, print its startup log. This setting is ignored if open_terminals is false.

Default to true.

enable_ipv6 (boolean)
This option enables IPv6 inside the devices.

Default to false.

last_checked (double)
Unix time (in milliseconds) of the last online check for Kathara updates. Each week, when the first Kathara command is launched, the system will check if the system and the default image are up-to-date.

Default to time of the file creation - one week, so the check will always run after a fresh.


Each Manager specifies additional parameters which are used only when the Manager is currently active.

KATHARA (Docker)

network_plugin (string)
This parameter specifies the Docker Network Plugin version used to create collision domains. Currently, Kathara supports two plugin versions: kathara/katharanp is the legacy plugin based on Linux bridges. kathara/katharanp_vde plugin is the default plugin, based on VDE software switches.

Possible values are kathara/katharanp, kathara/katharanp_vde.

Default to kathara/katharanp_vde.

hosthome_mount (boolean)
This parameter specifies if the /hosthome dir will be mounted inside the device. The home directory of the current user is made available for reading/writing inside the device under the special directory /hosthome.

Default to false.

shared_mount (boolean)
This parameter specifies if the /shared dir will be mounted inside the device. The "shared" folder inside the network scenario folder is made available for reading/writing inside the device under the special directory /shared.

Default to true.

image_update_policy (string)
This parameter specifies the policy when a Docker image update is available for a running device.

Possible values are Prompt, Always, Never.

Default to Prompt.

shared_cds (integer)
This parameter allows to connect devices of different network scenarios and users to the same collision domains.

Default to 1 (enum value for Not Shared).

remote_url (string)
This parameter specifies a Remote Docker daemon URL to connect to, instead of a local one.

Default to null.

cert_path (string)
This parameter specifies a TLS Cert path that could be required when using a Remote Docker daemon.

Default to null.

MEGALOS (Kubernetes)

api_server_url (string)
This parameter specifies the remote Kubernetes API server url. If not specified Megalos will try to connect to a local API server.

Default to null.

api_token (string)
This parameter specifies the authentication token used for the remote API server. If the remote API server is not used, this parameter is useless.

Default to null.

host_shared (boolean)
Each Kubernetes worker node creates a '/home/shared directory and this directory will be mounted in read/write mode on each device under the path /shared`. This will allow to save files from the device to the Kubernetes worker node locally. Note that the content of those folders (one on each worker node) are not shared between them nor between the worker and the Kathara host.

Default to true.

image_pull_policy (string)
Specify the image pull policy for Docker images used by devices.

Possible values are Always, IfNotPresent, Never. Please refer to the official Kubernetes page for further details on how this mode works.

Default to IfNotPresent.


        "image": "kathara/base",
        "manager_type": "docker",
        "terminal": "/usr/bin/xterm",
        "open_terminals": true,
        "device_shell": "/bin/bash",
        "net_prefix": "kathara",
        "device_prefix": "kathara",
        "debug_level": "INFO",
        "print_startup_log": true,
        "enable_ipv6": true,
        "last_checked": 1600087624.6843708,
        "hosthome_mount": false,
        "shared_mount": true,
        "image_update_policy": "Prompt",
        "shared_cds": 1,
        "remote_url": null,
        "cert_path": null,
        "network_plugin": "kathara/katharanp_vde"

Example of the default kathara.conf(5) file using Docker Manager.


Report bugs opening an issue on the official GitHub repository where the development and maintenance is primarily done.
Issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately to the Kathara mailing list. You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.
When reporting a bug, remember to write used commands, eventually attach your network scenario, and include the output of kathara-check(1) in order to make possible to reproduce the bug.


Kathara was born from Netkit. Its first version was developed by Gaetano Bonofiglio and Veronica Iovinella. Currently it is mantained by Mariano Scazzariello, Tommaso Caiazzi and Lorenzo Ariemma.

People involved also include:

Copyright © 2017-2024 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


kathara(1), kathara-vstart(1), kathara-lstart(1), Kathara official site

  1. July 2024
  2. kathara.conf(5)